Welcome! If you've landed here we know you care about growing and strengthening the small business ecosystem in NYC. Us too. And now more than ever.

Our members JPMorgan Chase, M&T Bank, Principal Foundation, Santander Bank, Surdna Foundation, MetLife Foundation, BankUnited, and Capital One have come together as the NY Small Business Funders Collective (SBFC). Through joint work and pooled funds, the SBFC will collectively award one-year partnership grants in the five boroughs with supplier diversity as the focus. As done in two previous rounds, the Collective seeks to discover and support proximate, community-led initiatives involving a wide range of cross-sector players. 

We aim to be as targeted as possible with our grants. To apply, we invite you to register for an account (top right corner) and take the eligibility quiz to assess whether your organization would be a good fit for this grant opportunity.

For a comprehensive guide to eligibility requirements for the Fund’s 12-month Supplier Diversity Partnership Grant and additional considerations, please visit our website at www.nysmallbusinessfunders.org and review the Grant Guidelines, Scoring Rubric, and other information. If additional assistance is needed after reviewing the application packet, please email: inquiries@nysmallbusinessfunders.org. 

Note: In addition to an information session on September 19 via Zoom (register here), the Collective will also publish FAQ on the website as needed by applicants.

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